Erie Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Treatment at a hospital, clinic, or doctor's office should not result in more harm than good. If it does, you may the victim of medical malpractice. Medical malpractice can manifest itself at any juncture of a patient-physician relationship, from faulty diagnosis to botched treatments to inaccurate or misleading aftercare instructions.

How do I know if I have a legitimate medical malpractice claim?

There's been a violation of the standard of care.

The medical profession recognizes certain standards of care for medical treatment under a defined set of circumstances. Failure to meet or a blatant disregard of these standards may qualify as medical malpractice. 

Negligence has been demonstrated.

A doctor demonstrating negligence does not act to the standards deemed ethical or appropriate of the medical profession and/or fails to account for or correct previous errors (if the harm was not foreseeable). To be deemed medical malpractice, your injury must be a direct result of negligence. 

Significant damages have been incurred. 

Medical malpractice cases are expensive to prosecute, involving review panels, special notices, and a number of expert testimonials from those in the medical field. For that reason, the plaintiff must prove significant damages in the form of disability, loss of income, unusual pain, suffering, or hardship, and exorbitant past or future medical bills.

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